Lesson Nine


Artificial Insemination Part II



          The goal of an artificial vagina (AV) is to effectively mimic the natural sensations felt by a stallion when servicing a mare.

          The first equine AV was developed by the Japanese before the end of World War II. Shortly after the Japanese AV reached the market, researchers at the University of Missouri published the results of their success with their own design, which became known as the Missouri  Model.

          Practically all models available today are based on one of these two prototypes. The AV’ s are similar because they both have a central hollow rubber tube into which the stallion's penis is inserted. At the end of the tube is a funnel-shaped attachment that empties into a container for collecting the semen.

          The Colorado model, an adaptation of the Japanese design, wraps an insulation layer around the collecting bottle; a second tube, to be filled with water, surrounds the first layer, all of which is housed inside a rigid hollow pipe.

          The Missouri model simply places a pliable leather case around the rubber tube.

          Both designs have a valve located in the side of the hollow rubber tube, which allows water and air to enter. Manipulation of these elements is necessary to successfully collect stallion semen.



          Hot water is the key ingredient that transforms the flaccid tube into a structure that closely resembles the vagina of the mare. The degree of heat and pressure used depends upon the stallion.

          During initial attempts to collect a stallion at Missouri, the water temperature attempted to mimic nature. Water heated to 101 degrees Fahrenheit (the temperature of a mare's vagina) was pumped into the device, making it so huge and heavy that it needed to be hung from the ceiling on a cable or propped up on a board stand. More often than not these preparations failed to impress the experimental stallions and they refused to serve the vehicle. It wasn't until the water temperature was increased to between 110 and 115 degrees Fahrenheit that success became more frequent.

          Researchers learned that the volume of water was less critical than the temperature---- a fact that led to the reduction in size and weight of the artificial vagina.

          The lessons learned by these early researchers should not be forgotten. Temperature is still the most critical factor encouraging a stallion to serve an AV. Some horses are so finicky about temperature that they will serve the AV only when the water temperature is within one to two degrees of their preferred temperature.



          As previously mentioned, the stallion's penis is inserted into the hollow center of the tube, which is surrounded by a water jacket. The sides of this surrogate vagina, being of vulcanized rubber, are irritating to the sensitive glans and prepuce of the penis. To reduce friction, a liberal amount of lubricant should be squirted into the AV and spread down the entire length of the unit.    A non-spermicidal jelly such as Johnson & Johnson's KY Jelly should be used.

          Once the inner liner is slick enough not to cause irritation, you can deal with another area where stallions seem to show a discriminating preference: tightness of the vagina on the penis, or pressure.



          Pressure can be varied by adding or removing water in the sealed water chamber through the valve-stem plug, and by increasing or decreasing the amount of air. Each stallion's individual preference determines how much air and water to use.

          Some stallions also resent the fact that there is no end to this hollow tube; a cervix is not present for them to seat against as they thrust. To satisfy those horses, the end of the tube may be pinched closed until ejaculation, giving the stallion the sense that the tube has an end or anterior wall.

          To be successful, it is imperative to know the idiosyncrasies of each stallion for all the sensations that the person doing the collection can manipulate. This is true even for the technique employed to manipulate the stallion into the device. Some stallions are "touch-me-nots," while others are excited by the handling of the penis by a technician.

           Each horse has his own personal combination of stimuli that improves the ease and ability to make quick collections of semen. I do not mean to imply that all stallions are in need of complex and detailed strategies, but most collections will be made easier once a horse's triggers have been determined and systematically followed. This consistency also reduces the chance that a horse will develop bad habits due to mishandling (by his definition).

          Bad collection techniques can produce stallions that will refuse to mount a mare if they see someone standing close by, toting an AV.


The Logistics of the Actual Collection

          It is important to know where to stand and how to hold the AV.

          The collector is normally positioned to the side of the mount-not too far from the action, but far enough off to the side to avoid being struck by the stallion’s hoofs or leg as he leaps up to mount. As the stallion comes forward to seat himself, the technician needs to move in quickly and with his hand direct the penis into the prepared AV.

          The urgency of this move is somewhat dictated by the composition of the mount. Obviously, a phantom is not going to get pregnant by a slow technique in diverting the penis into the AV; however, it is a different story when the mount is a live mare ready to ovulate.

          Personal choice dictates whether the collector stands off to the right or left side of the mount. Being on the left of the mare and stallion puts you on the same side as the stallion handler.  You must slip in at the mare’s left hip after the stallion handler passes forward toward the mare’s shoulder as the stallion gets comfortable in his mount.

          Some handlers will cup the left leg of the stallion and support it in a forward position as the stallion begins to thrust.

          If the mare’s tail is wrapped and pulled forward on the mare’s right hip and held there by a light rope, then the collector does not have to worry about the mare’s tail getting n the way or causing lacerations to the stallion’s penis.

          There are those that are more comfortable collecting from the stallion’s right side., but that presents some problems with some horses as most horses are more comfortable being handled on the left side.  If working on the right side of the stallion, be extra cautious.

          Most of the problems occurring during first-time collections center around lack of patience. It is common for the collector to want to go to the stallion too soon and push the AV onto the penis before the horse is seated. Do not rush the process of entry and do not push the AV toward the stallion until you are behind the mare's hip. Holding the AV steady is more compatible with the normal mare and seems to work best.

          Once the penis has been redirected into the AV, the overzealous technician must be careful not to push a timid breeder away from the back of the mount or be driven backward by a hard-thrusting stallion. The stallion will follow the AV. Being pushed behind the hip of the mare will cause the stallion to back off the mount----a precarious position for the collector and stallion alike.          It is up to the holder of the AV to maintain proper position with the AV so that the stallion stays in the natural breeding position.

Any situation that causes the stallion discomfort or aborts the collection attempt will make the subsequent trials more difficult as the stallion will become unsure or reluctant to try to maintain his position and balance on the mount.

Care should be taken to avoid any negative behaviors during breeding maneuvers.

          This is particularly important for stallions used in both natural cover and artificial insemination programs. For these horses (as with all horses) we want artificial collection to resemble as closely as possible natural service so that habits do not develop that might interfere with natural breeding.

          The ultimate goal during artificial collection can be simply stated: keep the stallion as interested in sex after being collected with an AV as he is after having a natural mating experience. In fact, some stallions that are well managed may actually prefer to be artificially collected.

          Once the collection is made, the AV is tilted so the semen is in a lower position and the water in the AV is released to allow any semen in the AV liner to flow downward toward the collection bottle. It is immediately taken into the lab where the semen can be evaluated and processed for immediate use or cooled and prepared for shipment.



Send your report to Dr. Sales at


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Please answer each question as completely as possible. .

1.       What is an artificial vagina and why is it used?

2.       What are the important parameters to keep in mind when utilizing an AV to collect a semen sample from a breeding stallion?

3.       Describe, in detail and step by step, how you would go about preparing an AV to collect a breeding stallion and how you would actually go about collecting that stallion. (Assume you are preparing a manual for the breeding farm that would be a “how to “ manual.)