Lesson 11


Common Skin Diseases of the Horse &

Administration of Medication to the Horse





Skin Diseases





Girth Itch (ringworm)

1.   Very common fungal skin disease in young stabled horses

2.   Highly contagious through contact with other horses or tack

3.   Loss of hair and itching

4.   circular of large patchy areas affected

5.   control includes disinfecting tack and grooming equipment

6.   treatment with topical antifungal products (tamed iodine, clorhexidine, benzalkonium cloride, Clorox solution. Possibly oral antifungal (griesiofulvin)



Biting Gnats (culicoides) and onchocerca (summer itch)

1.   allergy associated

2.   Itching and hair loss in withers, tailhead area and ventral abdomen

3.   Control includes insect control, management procedures(stabling during bad gnat times –early morning and late evenings)

4.   Ivermectin will destroy onchocerca mircofiliria



Rain Rot (Rain Scald, dermatophilus)

1.   Bacterial skin infection which appears as a pattern of rain drops over the back and rump of a horse

2.   The patches involved are circular and patchy which can be pulled up easily and a purulent moist wound is found underneath.

3.   Treatment consists of antibacterial shampoos and ointments (tamed iodine, clorhexidine, benzalkonium cloride ) and systemic(injectible) penicillin





External Parasites



1.   Minute organisms found in the hair causing itching

2.   Control includes good management procedures(clean environment and prevent overcrowding)

3.   Treatment involves either medicated insecticidal shampoos or washes and/or ivermectin oral treatment.




1.   Body ticks and ear ticks (not related)

2.   Cause anemia if extensive infestation. Cause irritation and annoyance when in the ears.

3.   Treatment involves either medicated insecticidal shampoos or washes and/or ivermectin orally.



Mites (mange)

1.   Not very common on horses (one form is eradicated from the U. S.

2.   Cause hair loss and severe itching

3.   Require skin scraping and microscopic identification for diagnosis.

4.   Treatment involves either medicated insecticidal shampoos or washes and/or ivermectin orally.





Skin Tumors and Proud Flesh




Proud flesh (exuberant granulation tissue)

1.   contaminated and poorly managed open wounds

2.   worse in humid areas of the country

3.   good wound care and pressure bandaging (for wound protection and pressure and immobility of the area) help prevent proud flesh

4.   Copper sulphate products can control proud flesh problems

5.   Surgical removal may be necessary





1.   The most common type of skin tumor in the horse

2.   can look like a proud flesh wound or summer sore or can look like a wart in appearance.

3.   These can spread possibly through contact but some horses seem to be more prone to them than others ( may have immunity to problem)

4.   Surgical removal or Freezing or immuno-stimulant injections or Compound X as a treatment




1.   Normally seen in young horses

2.   Usually self limiting (they will go away on their own in about 30 to 60 days)

3.   Caused by contagious virus

4.   Castor oil or salycilic acid (anti wort products like compound w) may help remove warts

5.   removal of some and spreading of the blood on some of the other warts has been known to work.(immune response)




1.   Non-malignant tumor (cancer) seen on mostly older, gray horses.

2.   Usually seen around perineal area

3.   Not known to spread to the internal organs and be as deadly as we see in humans

4.   Normally not removed unless they are a real problem










1.   Nitrofurazone ointment, spray, and powder – Furacin, topazone, furazone and other generic products

2.   Tamed Iodine ointment and gel – Betadine, biozide gel.(antifungal also)

3.   Clorhexidine ointment and salve – Nolvasan salve.(antifungal also)

4.   Aluspray

5.   Benzalconium Chloride based products _ Fungisan ( also anti fungal)

6.   Other prescription antibiotic ointments.



Stimulate Granulation

1.   Scarlet oil

2.   Granulex –also contains enzymes for removing necrotic tissue

3.   Tripzyme - also contains enzymes for removing necrotic tissue

4.   Cut N Heal



Drying (astringent) agents

1.   Blue or purple wound spray (Gentian violet)

2.   Wonder Dust



Proud flesh inhibitors

1.   Copper sulfate powders and ointments – Proudsoff Proud X

2.   Iodine – formalin solutions



Other Misc. Wound Products

1.   Gall Salve

2.   Corona

3.   Ichthammol – good for drawing abcesses.

4.   Compound Xxterra removal of sarcoids?



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