Equine Coat Color Genetics


Lesson Two


A Simple Approach








          All horses fall into two (2) base pigment color categories, either black or red. Some authorities include a 3rd horse color at this point, which is bay.  However, since bay is a horse of which the base color is black, this course will include bay, along with brown, a similar color result, under the black base pigment color.



For each of these colors we will discuss:


How the genes that create it work


▪ How to breed for the color


▪ How to recognize the coat color in foals






The Black Horse







          The truly black horse is relatively rare. To qualify visually, the horse must be completely black. It must have a black muzzle and be black in the flank and around the muzzle and eyes. 


          However, not all genetically black horses LOOK all-black.


          The color of some black horses fades in the summer. These horses appear to have a rusty hue to their coats during the deep heat of summer, the result of sweat or UV light on the hair coat.  This visible color variation has very little to do with a black horse's genetics, as far as is known at this time.



How the Gene Works


The gene that creates the black pigment in a horse is called the "extension" gene.  The abbreviation for is is universally accepted to be E. 


The extension gene (E) works under the rules of simple dominance. Therefore it only takes one E gene for a horse to be black.


Historically, horsemen thought that the horse heterozygous for the black gene, the Ee individual, had less depth to the color of their coat. It was also thought that black horses that bleached-out in the summer were heterozygous blacks. This last statement has never been proven.


If the black gene is present the horse will be a black-based color.  A horse without the E gene (ee) will be not-black as its base color.  In horses, not-black (e) is red.




How to Breed for the Black Base Color


          The best way to produce black horses is to breed two homozygous black horses. Two homozygous blacks (EE) will produce homozygous black foals 100% of the time. (See chart below.)






          A homozygous black (EE) bred to a heterozygous black (Ee) will also produce 100% black foals because the homozygous black will pass a black (E) gene 100% of the time. (See chart below.)




          This is because it only takes one E gene to create the black-pigment-producing horse. 50% of the foals will be homozygous for black and 50% of the foals will be heterozygous for black, and all will produce black pigment where other modifying genes allow for it.


          However, the best two heterozygous black horses can do is to produce 75% black foals. The remaining 25% will always be chestnuts or sorrels.




What Black Foals Look Like


          Black foals are usually not born black, but rather have a blue-gray hue to their coat.  They shed to black as weanlings or yearlings.




The above picture is of a solid black miniature colt born May 22, 2012
at Lucky C Acres Miniature horses.

He is a good example of what a black horse will look like when born.




          When a black foal will be born that looks truly black, like an adult horse, there are often other genetic factors (like the gray gene) at work, and as an adult the color will have changed.







The Chestnut or Sorrel Horse (Red)



What is often referred to as a Sorrel









 What is often referred to as a Chestnut




          The horse with a reddish body and a reddish mane and tail, historically, has been referred to as chestnut in Thoroughbreds and Arabians, and sorrel in stock and draft horses. Genetically, they are the same (ee) and in many instances it is very difficult to tell them apart by looking at them.


          Today most breed associations distinguish between these two colors. Chestnut is described as a darker red color. Sorrel is described as a lighter or brighter red. Chestnuts or sorrels, whichever term you prefer, come in many shades, from a very light sorrel to deep, rich brown-red.


          In this course, since all of these shades are created by the homozygous recessive "e", we will use the words chestnut and sorrel interchangeably, and call the base color "red".




How the Gene Works


          The chestnut or sorrel horse is created when the E gene is in the homozygous recessive form – ee

Because all red horses are Homozygous for the recessive (ee), one truism in breeding horses is red x red = red.




          Chestnuts can also be produced from the mating of two heterozygous blacks (Ee) about 25% of the time.





          Take a few minutes and, using the Punnettt Square, figure out how the various combinations of breeding Blacks to Reds work, and what the approximate percentages of color will be. Note: this is for your own experience and understanding. It is not required that you submit your results.




How to Breed for the Color


          If chestnut/sorrel is your favorite color, you're in luck:  it is the easiest to produce. Red parents only produce red foals.








          Chestnut/sorrel (red) is a valuable color when trying to breed other colors based on the red color.


          Palominos, strawberry roans, red roans and red duns are all built upon the basic red color.


          It is possible to test for the presence of the recessive e gene. While this has little value for breeders of red horses, it does help breeders of black horses to determine whether their horses are homozygous or heterozygous for the dominant E gene. This is referred to as a red factor test. http://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/horse/redfactr.htm



What Red Foals Look Like





          Foals with the ee genotype are born some shade of red although they may lighten or darken as they shed off their baby coats.


          Red foals are usually born with very light legs. This leads many folks to think that these foals have lots of white on their legs. Most of the time, this isn’t so!


          Although it is difficult to tell until they shed off, the hoof does provide some insight. The hoof of newborn red horses is grayish in color where the leg is going to shed off red. Where the leg is going to shed off white the hoof will be cream or white. This does create a change in the color of hoof, but may be difficult to see.





The Bay Horse




A Dark Bay






A Medium Bay






A Light Bay


          Bay horses are the result of the Agouti gene on a black base horse.  They have reddish bodies with black manes, tails, and lower legs. The tips of the ears are black, as are their eyelashes. The hoof of a bay horse is basically black. White leg markings change the black to white in the area where the white color touches the coronet band.


          Bay horses range in color from dark blood bays to golden bays. This variation occurs with all color categories and is referred to as shade.


          There are basically three recognized shades: dark, medium, and light. The genetics behind these shade variations is unknown as of this writing.



How the Bay (agouti) Gene Works


          The A gene is a very "important" gene in coat color genetics, in terms of its predominant distribution in the horse population. This gene limits its expression to horses with a black base color. Its action is to lighten the body color leaving the legs, mane and tips of the ears black, thus creating the bay.  Another way to describe it is that it restricts the black color to the points of the horse (much like the coloring of a Siamese cat).


          The predominance of the A gene is the reason for the small number of true black horses. Although the black horse does not have the bay (agouti) gene, many red horses do. Crossing chestnut/sorrel horses with the A gene on black horses does produce bays.


          In this example, a red mare carrying one A gene has been bred to a homozygous black. This cross produces a 50% chance of a bay and a 50% chance of a black.







(Note that the mare boxes include the gene possibilities for both the E and A. When first working with Equine genetics and the Punnett Square it is easier to consider them separately, do a separate Punnett Square for each gene you are working with, and enter the choices into each box creating a box for each possible scenario.)



How to Breed for the Bay Color


          The best odds of producing bay horses come from the mating of two bay parents. And, of course, bays crossed on blacks allow the A gene the opportunity to act on the black base coat.


          Bay is the base color for buckskins, Perlinos, bay roans and buckskin duns. Crossing any of these colors provides the opportunity for a bay foal to occur, but it is not the way to increase the odds that you will produce a bay.



What the Foals look Like


          Regardless of the shade, bay foals are born with the tell-tale sign of black tips on their ears. Most of them have black manes and tails. Their legs, however, may be light, shedding to black later.




This bay colt is about 2 weeks of age. Notice the characteristic grayish color to the lower legs.  This colt has one hind white sock.



          Summary of bay:  Bay horses are black-based horses which have at least one (1) copy of the normal (A) agouti gene.  The bay agouti gene limits the expression of the black coloration (E) to the “points”, mane/tail and lower legs, of a horse.  This leaves the body color a reddish color. A bay horse does not need to carry a red gene to cause the reddish body color. Agouti only affects the black coloration, so you can have a chestnut/sorrel horse which carries agouti, but you cannot tell that by its appearance.



The Other AGOUTI Gene:   At


NOTE: in order to accommodate all browsers, this gene will be noted as (At) for the remainder of this course.  However, the more correct way is with the "t" as superscript (raised).





Brown  (aka Seal Brown)




Brown (Seal Brown) Horse -- black plus At



          With the ability to test for the agouti (bay or A) gene came the revelation that seal brown horses were not solid black horses with another gene (usually believed to be the Pangare/Mealy gene) added to cause the lighter shading. It is now known that Seal Brown is due to the At allele at the agouti locus. This allele has been sequenced, named "brown", and there is now a test for it.




          With this fact comes a complication to the simple Punnett Square:  more than two possibilities may exist at one locus.  To determine the color result of a breeding involving a, A and At, one must remember this fact:


The brown (At) gene is recessive to regular bay (A), but dominant over non-agouti (a) (solid black).


Other Modifiers


          Additional genes, called “Modifiers” work upon these two colors to produce the different colors that appears on the body of horses.


As with any palette of colors, there are factors which affect the hue, tone and shade of the true color. These modify, but do not change, the genetic color makeup of horses, but they alter the visual appearance of the colors.


They are:


Shade: This describes variations within a basic color group resulting in light to dark body color variations. On a chestnut/sorrel this modifier can result in colors from light and nearly yellow to dark and almost purple, brown or nearly black. (Sometimes a "red" horse can have a near-white, or "flaxen", mane & tail.  The genetics behind this are unknown as of this writing.)






Light chestnut/sorrel miniature horse






Dark Chestnut (Liver) stock type horse


Keep in mind that both of the above horses are genetically red (ee). 

If you were to test these horses they would test identically for the red gene (ee).



Sooty: This refers to the presence of black hairs among the otherwise-lighter body hairs. Most often this is noticeable across the back, shoulder and croup, with the lower body appearing lighter.


Mealy (Pangare): This modification causes pale red or yellowish areas on the lower belly, in the flank area, behind the elbows, inside the legs, on the lower legs, on the muzzle and over the eyes. This modification can occur on any base color and the effect varies from minimal, very subtle and easily missed, to extensive, causing dramatic paleness to the body. In the American Southwest, it is often referred to as “muley", after a mule's coloration.


This modification occurs on chestnut/sorrel and bay horses.


On otherwise-black horses, this appearance is actually caused by the At, or brown gene, which was in the past usually called “seal brown”, after the coloration of one species of seals.





This is a Belgian (breed) sorrel /chestnut horse showing mealy/pangare





This is a dark bay showing the Mealy/Pangare




The Ultimate Modifier – Gray


          The “color” gray is a modifier, rather than a color. All gray horses are born a ‘base/birth’ color, and they carry those ‘base/birth’ genetics throughout their lives, and those genetics will have an impact on what you get when breeding.


          If a horse carries the gray gene (G), then regardless of the color the horse is born, the horse will turn gray. Gray is a progressive color changer, in that as graying horses get older, most will eventually end up white; the amount of time it takes to reach the white stage can vary from horse to horse with some horses being white by five or six years of age and others do not reach the “white” stage until they are in their teenage years.  Some go on to develop "flea bites" after turning white: specks of color that may or may not match their birth color.  This is called a "flea-bitten gray".


          The photos below are of the same horse taken when the horse was a nursing foal, a yearling and as a two year old. As you can see, this "gray horse" was born chestnut/sorrel and started turning gray as a weanling/yearling. Its body hair has lightened considerably with age, and will continue to lighten until the horse is almost all white.





Photos are courtesy of “Cedar Ridge Ranch” www.grullablue.com



          Gray horses will continue to change color until they reach the “white” stage. Some of the most famous gray horses are the Lipizzaners found at the Spanish Riding School of Vienna.  Lipizzaners are born dark and turn white with age, with the occasional one staying dark, indicating it did not receive the gray gene from either parent.






So, to summarize lesson 2:


All horses come in one of two “base” colors; Black or Red.


When the black gene is present it will mask the presence of a red gene


▪ Bay agouti (A) limits black to the “points" of a horse


▪ Brown agouti (At) dilutes black on the muzzle, flanks, "armpits", and some other areas of an otherwise black horse.


Agouti (A) or (At) only affects the black color


Other modifiers may be present which can affect the Shade, Smuttiness or Mealiness of the color of the horse.  The latter two are often referred to as "countershading".


Gray, while called a color, is actually a modifier that changes all colors from birth or base color to gray.


▪ The Punnett Square can be used to determine the possible colors from a mating and their probability.








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