Lesson Three

Aerobic Exercise


Consult with your physician prior to beginning an exercise program. If you have any of the following risk factors; history of heart or lung disease, hypertension, past difficulty with physical exercise, chronic illnesses, muscular skeletal problems, recent pregnancy or surgery, age over 40 for men and over 45 for women, you must discuss your health with your physician prior to beginning an exercise program.


If you are in satisfactory health, you should be able to start an exercise program. Regular exercise can help improve your endurance, balance and flexibility while riding.


Improving your fitness level can help your horse as he will not have to compensate or adjust his back to accommodate a rider who is off balance or inflexible. His performance will improve as you improve your level of fitness.


If riding your horse gets you out of breath you are definitely working too hard on your riding! Horseback riding is not considered an aerobic exercise.


        There are many benefits to aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise burns calories. Burn 3500 calories and you’ve lost a pound! In addition to weight management, the benefits include improved cardiovascular endurance and increased muscular strength.


        There are some simple lifestyle changes that you can make immediately that will jump-start your exercise plan.


Remember your S.M.A.R.T. goals. Can you fit any of the following into your daily or weekly routine?


·         Park your car further away from your place of employment or barn.

·         Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. If your destination is a very high floor then use the elevator only part way.

·         Start a walking group with co-workers or friends for lunch instead of meeting in the cafeteria or a restaurant.

·         Find a book on tape that you’ve been planning to read and listen to it only when you are exercising.


        Getting your aerobic exercise through outdoor activities can be fun. Bicycling, rollerblading, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, ice-skating and swimming all provide enjoyable options for exercising. Walking or jogging with your friends, dog and even your horse is a great way to increase your heart rate and improve your aerobic level of fitness.


Just as you make sure that your horse is outfitted with the correct tack for your discipline of riding, make sure that you are wearing the proper safety gear and shoes for your activity.


        Sometimes the weather or outdoor location does not permit you to exercise outdoors. There are a variety of machines that can be found in fitness centers or purchased for your home that are designed to help you improve your body composition. Some of those machines include indoor stationary cycles, treadmills, elliptical machines and stair steppers.


Before making the investment in purchasing one of these machines, make sure you are comfortable with its operation and feel. Try out each one for comfort and easy of operation. Many machines are available with pre-programmed fitness routines based on your level of fitness. These programs can help to keep you interested and challenged. High tech electronic gadgetry is not always necessary unless your physician recommends it to monitor your heart rate or for other reasons.


Some machines come outfitted with water bottle storage bins and fans. These luxuries can make your exercise time more pleasurable.


Be sure to check with the sales representative for warranty restrictions and discuss who will be available to perform maintenance and repair if necessary.  The machine you like the best is most likely the one that you will use regularly.  Advice from a friend is nice, but make your own decision.  What works for your friend, may not be right for you.


        Aerobic classes can be found in many locations from fitness centers to senior centers. Ranging anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes, aerobic classes are an exceptional way to improve your cardio-vascular fitness and burn calories while having fun. Classes vary from beginner to advance levels.


As learning how to do a posting trot on the correct diagonal, aerobic classes are a learned skill.


If you’ve never taken a group exercise class before, it is best to find a nationally certified instructor who teaches a basic or beginner class. Talk to the instructor before class and tell him or her that you are new. Make sure you mention any health issues the instructor needs to know about such as previous injuries or things your physician thinks are relevant.


Be patient with yourself. It takes time to learn the language and movement patterns. Just like learning to post, it takes more than one class to learn how to do aerobics!


No, you do not have two left feet.  No, it’s not necessary to be able to dance.  It is helpful if you can hear the beat of music. Can you tap your foot to the beat of a song?  If so, you are hearing the beat!


Aerobic instructors take pride in their classes. They want to help you to get a good workout while having fun.


        All aerobic exercises should include a warm-up, an aerobic workout and a cool-down.


Does this sound similar to your horse’s workout? It should! A good warm-up at low to moderate speed will help increase blood flow to the working muscles and get them ready for the main part of your workout.


A proper cool-down is essential to help bring your heart rate back to normal. During aerobic exercise your heart rate increases. Your heart pumps faster and stronger in order to increase blood flow to the working muscles. Those muscles, during exercise, help to return the blood to the heart. If you slow down suddenly or stop exercising the heart will still continue to work at a higher rate. This can cause excess strain on the heart. It can also create excessive blood pooling in the extremities, causing swelling.


Make sure your routines always include a good warm-up and cool-down; they help reduce your chance of exercise related injuries.


Following the F.I.T. principal will help you to keep your aerobic goals manageable. Increasing the Frequency of exercise will increase your level of cardiovascular fitness and burn more calories. Increasing the Intensity of your workout will increase your level of cardiovascular fitness and burn more calories. Increasing the Time or duration of your workout will increase your level of cardiovascular fitness and burn more calories.


It is not recommended that you increase all of the above at the same time. Varying each section of the F.I.T. principal will help keep your routine interesting, increase your cardiovascular fitness, burn more calories and reduce your chance of exercise related injuries.  


        There are many factors that affect the number of calories you burn per hour.  A person weighing 130 pounds will burn calories at a different rate than a person weighing 155 pounds or 190 pounds. Your metabolism and level of conditioning will also affect the amount of calories that you burn. Consider the following information to determine an estimated calorie cost per hour, per activity and body weight.



                                              130 pounds          155 pounds          190 pounds

·         Aerobics                                      354                        422                       518


·         Bicycling outdoors                     472                       563                        690

(Moderate effort 12-13.9 mph)


• Running                                        590                       704                        863

(6 mph - 10 min. mile)


• Walking                                         207                     246                       302

(Moderate pace - 3 mph - walking dog)


• Swimming                                       354                     422                      518



• Horseback riding                            148                      176                      216




        Following the F.I.T. principal and finding an aerobic exercise that you enjoy will help you achieve your cardio-vascular goals and burn calories. Once again, remember that it takes a reduction of 3500 calories to lose a pound. Increasing your activity level by 350 calories per day, 5 days a week will allow you to lose 1 pound in 2 weeks.


REVIEW:  aerobic exercise is the key to stimulating your body to burn calories and reduce body fat.


In addition to reducing the likelihood of injury to your horse, reducing your body fat and improving your fitness level will reduce your fatigue while riding and allow to you to be a better rider.


Increasing your physical activity in your daily life, through activities other than riding, will help you and your horse to be a better team. So, stay moderately active on a regular basis and you will be successful!


Click here for an aerobic activity log.



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Describe several different ways that you can increase your aerobic activity. Discuss the frequency, intensity and duration of these activities that you feel is attainable for your lifestyle.


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