How Horse Smart Are You?

Take this quiz to find out!

Score 90% or better and Success Is Easy will give you the "Bits and Shoeing" course FREE, which earns you a certificate and starts you on your way to a Professional Designation in Horse Training!


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True-False Questions

1. TRUE FALSE The kind and amount of work a horse does determines his nutritional needs.

2. TRUE FALSE Rub your hand over a horse’s ribs; if you can feel the bones he is too thin.

3. TRUE FALSE The hoof angles have been established at 45 degrees in front and 55 degrees for the hind feet.

4. TRUE FALSE Lungeing is a good way to begin reschooling a sour horse.

5. TRUE FALSE All bits function on the principle the horse seeks comfort and avoids discomfort.

6. TRUE FALSE The bit should be low enough to rest against the bars and the incisor teeth.

7. TRUE FALSE If you are having trouble communicating with your horse through the reins, use a stronger bit.

8. TRUE FALSE Be sure to girth a horse tightly.

9. TRUE FALSE Never take the position a young horse must learn specific lessons within a specific time frame.

10. TRUE FALSE When leading a reluctant horse, pull him straight forward.

11. TRUE FALSE Always mount and dismount from the left side of the horse.

12. TRUE FALSE To turn the horse to the right you must pull the right rein, pulling the horse’s head into position.

13. TRUE FALSE Don’t worry about which of the horse’s feet are grounded and which are in flight; it is more important to have contact with the horse’s mouth.

14. TRUE FALSE Immediately confront the horse with praise for a correct action or mild discipline for an incorrect action.

15. TRUE FALSE To ask the horse to trot or jog, kick the horse hard with both legs at the same time.

16. TRUE FALSE A good stop is the first specific performance you want from any horse.

17. TRUE FALSE If the horse forgets his stopping cues, pull back on the reins hard and often.

18. TRUE FALSE Impulsion is most easily seen in gaits which have a phase of suspension.

19. TRUE FALSE The rider should never pull on the reins to move the horse backward.

20. TRUE FALSE In two-tracking the rider pushes the hindquarters over while pulling the forehand in the opposite direction.

21. TRUE FALSE Leg-yielding increases a horse’s suppleness.

22. TRUE FALSE When doing shoulder-in, haunches-in or haunches-out, the horse establishes three distinct hoof tracks.

23. TRUE FALSE The rider must always consider the pivot or spin a forward movement.

24. TRUE FALSE Use only an indirect rein when doing a rollback.

25. TRUE FALSE Mastery of side-passing and half-passing makes flying changes of lead easier for the horse.


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Don Blazer
Success Is Easy, 7119 East Shea Blvd. Suite 109-271, Scottsdale, AZ 85254

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