
            General size:  □ small                        □ large


            Nostrils:          □ large                         □ thin-walled

                                    small                        □ thick-walled


            Lips:                □ firm/muscular        □ weak/loose



Face                            □ smooth/straight      □ Roman          □ dished



Ears                            □ refined                     □ thick            □ slight arch               □ straight

                                    active                       □ droopy           □ mule                         □ lopped

                                    □ close together          □ far apart       □ below poll

                                    size proportional to head



Forehead                    □ broad/flat                 □ narrow          □ “bull” head



Eyes                            □ bright/alert              □ dull/uninterested

                                    large                         □ small (pig-eyed)

                                    □ round/prominent    □ bulging

                                    dark sclera               □ white sclera            

dark iris                   □ blue iris

                                    □ “gotch eye”               □ crossed eyes

                                    □ widely spaced at corners of forehead



Jaw                             □ strong/broad            □ ample width at throatlatch

                                    parrot mouth            □ bulldog mouth

                                    adequate jowls         □ heavy jowls



General Appearance  □ chiseled                   □ well-defined

                                    length adequate for clear nasal passages and strong, well-placed teeth

                                    size proportional to body



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Length                        □ 1/3 of body length                □ short             □ long



Size                             □ slender                                 □ thick            □ thin

                                    fine throatlatch                   □ thick throatlatch


Shape                          □ slightly convex arched topline        □ concave topline

                                    straight underline                           □ concave underline

                                    □ slight crest                                       □ “broken” crest

                                    swan neck


Placement                  □ base set at point of shoulder           □ base set below point of shoulder




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Shape                          □ well-defined, muscular        □ high              □ un-defined, low, thick (mutton)



Placement                  □ level with croup                   □ higher          □ lower



General Appearance  □ smooth slope into back        □ no dents/bumps



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Size                             □ medium width                                 □ overly wide               □ narrow


General Appearance  □ well-defined/muscular                    v-shape                    □ proportional

                                    □ blends into neck                              □ bosomy                     □ obese (excess fat)


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Size                             □ length of neck poll to withers          □ short                         □ too long


Angulation                 □ 50˚ slope scapular spine                  □ upright                     □ excessively steep


Muscling                    □ well-developed                                  □ smooth                     □ symmetrical

                                    □ over-developed                                 □ under-developed



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Size:                □ 1/3 length of topline            □ long                          □ short


            Loin:                □ three fingers width between last rib and point of hip (short, “well coupled”)


            Shape:             □ sway                                     □ roach                       




            Size:                □ deep, wide                            □ heart girth/height              □ narrow


            Shape:             □ well-arched ribs                   □ ribs project backward          □ large spaces between ribs

                                    flat ribs                                 □ ribs project downward          □ narrow spacing of ribs



Flank                          □ high w/good muscle tone    □ high w/poor muscle tone    □ short             □ long

                                    movements slow/regular    □ movements rapid/irregular

                                    □ “tucked-up” (too much waist between belly and flank)

                                    □ “hay belly” (abdomen drops below chest line)


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Rear View                   □ “square”                               □ “pear” shaped           □ rounded croup

                                    sides symmetrical               □ proper muscling


Side View                    □ croup fairly long                   □ croup angled            □ point of hip before point of croup

                                    croup flat                              □ croup steep              □ lower or same height of withers

                                    □ point of buttock to low          □ “hunter’s bumps”



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Upper Arm                  □ long humerus                      □ short humerus        □ in balance with body

                                    almost upright humerus     □ horizontal humerus


Elbow                          □ clean                                    □ in balance with body

                                    □ moist, blemishes                 □ too large, too small

                                    slight angle outward            □ angle too far outward (toed-in)        □ tied-in (toed-out)

                                    point in front of peak of withers     

□ “camped under”                   □ “camped out”

                                    base narrow                         □ base wide


Forearm                      □ long                                      □ short                        

                                    □ “well-directed (straight with knee/cannon”

                                    width in balance                  □ too wide                    □ too narrow

                                    thick strong muscling         □ thin muscling

                                    smooth, lengthy                   □ bunch, short


Knee                           □ straight, square on leg        □ flattened front          □ deviates from cannon

                                    □ well-defined, thick wide from side                          □ overly round

                                    excessively large


Front:              □ “knock knees”                     □ “bow legs”                 □ “bench knees”


Side:                □ “calf knees”                          □ “bucked knees”        □ “tied in knees”

                        □ “cut out under knees”         □ “open knees” (physitis)


Cannon                       □ short             □ long              □ straight                    □ angled


            Side:                □ wide (7”/1,000 lbs.)              tendon away from cannon   □ tendons well-defined

                                    narrow                                  □ tendon close to cannon       □ tendons under-defined


            Front:              □ narrow                                  □ wide


Fetlock                       □ flat, smooth                          □ wide (blends with cannon)   □rounded         □ narrow

                                    adequate angle (140˚)          □ wide angle                            □ narrow angle

                                    clean, dry                             □ blemish/scars/moist         


Pastern                       □ ¼ - ½ length of cannon       □ short                                     □ long

                                    angle = shoulder angle        □ upright                                

                                    □ slope in line with hoof wall □ “broken forward”                  □ “broken backward”  



            Front:              □ “toed in”                               □ “toed out”                 

line from point of shoulder to center of foot bisects knee, cannon, fetlock, hoof wall


            Side:                □ elbow to fetlock perpendicular to ground

                                    line from ground behind foot bisects leg and shoulder

   line ends:  □ in front of withers or              □ ends middle of withers



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            Side:                □ long                          □ short             □ perpendicular to ground      □ angled to ground


            Rear:               □ inside thigh well-developed/wide   □ outside stifle well-developed/wide

                                    □ narrow/atrophied


Stifle                           □ same height as elbow          □ too low          □ too high       

                                    well forward                          □ set back


Rear:               □ widest part of hindquarters


Gaskin                        □ shorter than thigh, but long            □ too long         □ too short

                                    well-muscled                        □ thin


            Side:                □ wide, Achilles tendon/hock far back


            Rear:               □ inside straight                     □ inside slightly curved          □ inside bowed



            General:          □ adequate size for weight     □ proportional to whole body

                                    point of hock halfway between stifle and ground

                                    □ “low-set”, short cannons      □ “high-set”, longer cannons


            Side:                □ strong, wide as gaskin        □ narrow, thin, weak

                                    □ clean cut, thin skin, bones visible             □ round, meaty


Rear:               □ straight        □ “cow hocked”            □ “bow legs”                 □ “toed in”



            Angle:              □ moderate angle        □ sickle hocked                      □ straight hocked

                                    line from point of buttock to ground touches point of hock and runs down back of cannon



Cannon                       □ short, but longer and wider than foreleg                □ well-defined flexor tendons



Fetlock                       □ well set back            □ sturdy           □ too forward               □ narrow, thin


Pastern                       □ more upright than front                  □ shorter than front

                                    steep angle                                      □ long


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Success Is Easy/Melinda Hertel