Equine Coat Color Genetics


Lesson One


Introduction to Horse Color Genetics




            It is fairly common to hear comments in the horse industry like "Why should you care about colors?" and "A good horse is never a bad color," and so on.  While it's true that color is a superficial characteristic of lesser importance than conformation, temperament, and ability, there are certainly many good horses to choose from and, all other things being equal, there is no reason not to choose, or breed for, a color that you prefer.  Everyone has different color preferences in everything from the clothes we wear to the car we drive, and horses are no different.  It's a nearly universal question from anyone who has a mare in foal - "What color baby will I get?"


            There's another reason that learning about colors is useful.  Genetics can be a mysterious, confusing branch of science.  For the most part, the inner workings of the DNA, chromosomes, and cells are invisible to us.  But a horse's color, in most cases, is easily observable, and is caused by relatively few genes, most of which are now well understood.  The horse's color is a visible trait by which we can see genetics at work, and thus, more easily understand its principles.





Basic Genetics


            Before we start discussing specific coat colors, a refresher on basic genetics might be useful.


            Inside the nucleus of every cell are the chromosomes.  Chromosomes are made up of DNA.  The specific section of DNA that has one purpose is called a gene.  Each chromosome contains thousands of genes, each containing specific instructions to make a specific protein which is needed for a specific biological function.  The place where a particular gene is found, its location on the chromosome, is called the locus.  Chromosomes occur in pairs, one of each pair from each parent.  Thus each gene has two copies, one from each parent.  (Horses have 32 pairs of chromosomes.)  A gene can have slight variations, and these different forms are called alleles.  If the two alleles for any given gene are exactly the same, it is called homozygous, and if the two alleles are different, it is called heterozygous. 


            When cells divide for growth, a duplicate copy of every chromosome is made, and then  the cell splits into two, with exactly the same genetic material in each one.  This is called mitosis.  But when reproductive cells are being made (eggs and sperm), the chromosomes are duplicated but then only one of each pair goes into the new cell.  This is called meiosis.  As a result, each egg and sperm cell contains only one copy of each chromosome and therefore one copy of each gene. Upon fertilization, the single chromosomes find their corresponding mate and pair back up. The resulting individual again has two genes at each location – one from each parent.


            An analogy that helps to visualize this process is this:  Imagine you have a set of beaded bracelets.  There are 23 on each arm (humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes).  The ones on the right came from your mom, and the ones on the left came from your dad.  Bracelet #1 on the right and #1 on the left have exactly the same number and size and shape of beads, but the colors might be different.  The same is true for bracelet #2 on the right and #2 on the left; the beads match up as far as how many, what sequence they are in, sizes and shapes, but the colors may or may not be the same.  And so on down the line.  A particular type of bead may come in many different colors, but you can only have any two colors, since you have only two bracelets.  The bracelets represent the chromosomes, the beads represent the genes, and the colors of the beads represent the alleles.  Now, imagine taking them all off, shuffling them around for a bit, then lining them all up again – the two #1s together, the two #2s together, and so on – and then putting one of each pair on the arm of each of two children.  Now picture your spouse doing the same thing, mixing up the bracelets, and then putting one of each pair on each child.  Now your children have 23 bracelets on each arm, one set from each parent, but a completely new and unique mixture.




Gene Relationships


            Genes and alleles interact in a few different ways.  The most common is what is known as “simple dominant”.  This is when there are two different alleles possible for the gene, and one is dominant, meaning that if it is present it will show, and the other one is recessive, meaning that it does not show if there is a dominant allele present; the recessive allele is only visible when there is no other kind present.  In other words, it must be homozygous for the recessive allele in order for it to show.  The dominant allele is represented by an upper-case letter, and the recessive allele by a lower-case letter.  A classic example is the color grey.  There are two possible alleles of the Grey gene. The dominant G causes the horse to turn grey, and the recessive g has no effect, causing the horse to be not-grey.  With simple dominants, it does not matter whether the horse has one copy of the dominant allele (is heterozygous, or G/g in this case) or whether it has two copies of the dominant allele (is homozygous, or G/G in this case) – it will look the same either way.  So, if you look at a horse and it is not grey, you know that it must be g/g since recessive alleles must be homozygous to be visible.  But you cannot tell by looking at it whether a grey horse is G/G or G/g.  When you have a horse that is homozygous for a simple dominant gene, you can guarantee that it will pass on that color every time.


            Another way some alleles interact is called “incomplete dominant”.  It is still a dominant gene, meaning only one copy is needed to be expressed, but in this case it means that there is a different expression when homozygous vs. heterozygous.  A classic example is the Cream gene.  The recessive allele cr has no effect, leaving the color unchanged.  One copy of the dominant Cr causes red hair to be diluted to golden, causing palominos and buckskins.  And two copies of the Cr dilutes the hair to a cream color, and makes the skin pink and the eyes blue.  Before this was understood, people were frustrated that their palominos did not breed true.  Now that it is understood, breeders know that all they need to do is breed chestnuts to cremellos and they will get a palomino every time.  Some of the white spotting genes are also incomplete dominants, but the expression of these is complicated by the fact that there are other factors (mostly unknown at this time) that affect how much white a horse ends up with.


            Another relationship is called “codominant”.  This means that when heterozygous, both alleles are expressed equally.  The typical example of this is blood types in people.  There is a type A and a type B, and if someone gets one of each, they express both, and are type AB.  There is no horse color gene with this kind of relationship known at this time, but it’s possible some may end up being that way.


            Another kind of relationship is called “intermediate”.  For example, in cattle, if you breed a red to a white you get a roan.  There is nothing like this in horse colors, but it’s interesting nonetheless.


            When there are more than two different kinds of alleles possible for a given locus, it gets confusing.  In the past it was thought that there would be a clear “order” of dominance.  For example, the Agouti gene has three known alleles (and likely more yet to be found).  A causes bay, and is dominant over the others.  a causes black, and is recessive to all the others.  The third is called At and causes seal brown.  For many years it had been assumed that A was clearly dominant over At which was clearly dominant over a.  But now that a large number of horses have been tested, we find that horses that are At/At are on average lighter colored than horses that are At/a, although not enough that you could tell them apart visually.  The numbers are not large enough yet, but it’s possible that horses that are A/A are on average lighter than horses that are A/a.  However, it is difficult to pinpoint it, because bay and brown phenotypes overlap a good deal anyway, influenced by other genes such as shade, sooty, etc.  At any rate, it’s not a clear simple dominant/recessive relationship, nor a clear incomplete dominant one.


            All of the above relationships are referring to the interaction between different alleles of the same gene.  The terms “dominant” and “recessive” are not used for interactions between different genes.  When one gene hides the expression of another gene, the term used for that is “epistatic”.  For example, grey horses will eventually turn white.  They are still whatever color they would have been if they didn’t have a Grey gene, whatever color they were born as, but over time the grey color progresses until it hides whatever was underneath.  So Grey is said to be epistatic to all other colors.  Genes that cause white spotting are the same.  Whatever parts are white, completely hide whatever color was there underneath.


            When genes are linked:


           Most of the genes affecting horse colors are scattered about on different chromosomes.  This means that they are independently assorted.   Let’s say you have a horse that is palomino, and also has a Dun gene (this combo is commonly called dunalino).  He has a 50-50 chance of passing on each of those color genes.  So, from nondilute mares he would be expected to have 25% nondilute foals, 25% Dun only, 25% Cream only, and 25% both Cream and Dun.  However, there are a few genes that are located on the same chromosome, in close proximity to each other, so they tend to be passed on together the vast majority of the time.  These genes are said to be “linked”.  We will discuss these in more detail for those colors, but a common example is tobiano.  The Tobiano gene is located right next to the Extension gene, so a horse that has T and E on one chromosome, and t and e on the other, will sire 50% black-based tobianos, and 50% red solids (from mares who don’t have either to contribute) rather than the 25/25/25/25 odds in the previous example.  Comparing it to the bracelet analogy, it’s like Cr and D are on separate bracelets, so each child has an equal chance of getting either, or both, or none.  But the E and the T are on the same bracelet, so there are only two options – both or none.




               About those gene abbreviations


            You may see various different ways of writing gene symbols.  If you have taken a general genetics class, you know that typically the abbreviation for the gene name is used, followed by the abbreviation for the allele in superscript.  This method is common in human genetics because there are many more genes known, and each gene may have several alleles which might be labeled a, b, c, d, etc.   But with horse color genes, that method has been dropped since the majority of them have only two possible alleles so they are simply one letter, with the dominant one capital and the recessive one lowercase.  So it’s redundant and confusing to write both the gene name and the allele name every time.  You may see it that way in some older books, but typically now just the abbreviation for the allele is used.  Normally this is a single letter, but some have a two-letter abbreviation due to there being more than one color/gene starting with the same letter, or there being more than two possible alleles for a gene.


            The various testing labs also have different ways of writing the results.  Remember they are showing you the results of a specific test, not the genetic makeup of the horse.  So for example if you test for grey, and the horse is heterozygous, you would write that in genetic terms as G/g; however the testing lab might write it as “G/N” meaning one G was found (the N for none found).  Or if no grey gene was found, genetically that would be called g/g, but the lab might report it as “N/N”, meaning none found, or negative for that trait.






Predicting Gene Combinations - The Punnett Square


            The last concept to be mastered before we begin our discussion of the genetics of specific coat colors is how to predict the possible gene combinations that could occur from the mating of two horses. The Punnett Square is a tool that simplifies the process.


            To use the Punnett Square, one draws a table with two (2) columns – one for each of the gene pairs contributed by the stallion – and two (2) rows, one for each of the gene pairs contributed by the mare.  Each quadrant of the Punnett Square equals a 25% chance of that combination of the genes occurring.


(See following graphic.)






Across the top, place each one of the genes contributed by the stallion into a separate column.  

For this example, let’s assume the stallion is homozygous recessive for black pigment, or “ee








Down the left side, place each one of the possible genes contributed by the mare into a separate row.

Let’s assume this mare is Heterozygous for black pigment, or “Ee







To create a mating, enter the gene notation from the top of the column into the blank boxes in the table.






Now add the gene notation at the left side of each row into each mating box.




            The resulting table, above, indicates the E/e gene combinations possible from the mating of this stallion to this mare.   In this example, foals from this cross have a 50% chance of getting the “Ee” combination (2 x 25%) and a 50% chance of getting the “ee” combination (2 x 25%).


            The concept of a "cross", as in a particular stallion crossed with a particular mare, is abbreviated "x".  Thus, the mating above would be abbreviated  ee x Ee = 50% Ee,  50% ee


            A foal is considered to be by a stallion, and out of a mare.   Thus, the foal resulting from the mating above is by an ee stallion, and out of an Ee mare.  One easy way to remember how these terms are used is to keep in mind that the foal literally comes out of the mare when it is born.  (You may see people stating they have a foal “out of” a particular stallion, but anyone who makes that mistake will quickly be branded as the rankest sort of amateur.)





Summary:  basic terms and definitions


            DNA - the strands of genetic information that make up the chromosomes.  Think of it as the "blueprints" or directions for building the body and directing its functions.

            Chromosome - shaped like miniature strings, the chromosomes are in the nucleus of every cell, and contain the
DNA. They are always present in pairs, one of each pair from one parent, and one from the other parent.  When egg and sperm cells are formed, the pairs separate, so that each reproductive cell contains only one of each pair, thus creating a whole new combination when they join to create a new life. Horses have 32 pairs of chromosomes.

            Gene - the section of
DNA that is responsible for one specific trait.

            Locus - the location on the chromosome for a specific gene. Every gene occupies a certain place on a certain chromosome.  You could think of it as the gene's "address".

            Allele - the different types of expression of each gene. For instance, the Grey gene is at the G locus, and there are two possible alleles there, called "G" (which causes grey) and "g" (which has no effect, thus causing non-grey).  All horses have two alleles for every gene, one from each parent. Some genes have only two different possible alleles, but some have more possible alleles, although each individual horse has only two of them. The term "gene" is often used interchangeably with "allele" in general use (i.e. "my horse has a grey gene").


            Homozygous - means that both of the alleles at a specific gene locus are the same, i.e. "G/G" or "g/g".

            Heterozygous - means that the alleles at a specific gene locus are different, i.e. "G/g".


            Expression - the effect that a specific gene has on the horse's appearance.  ("what does it do?" or "what will I see if my horse has this gene?")

            Dominant - means that if this allele is present, it will be expressed, even if there is only one.  There is usually no visual difference between a horse with one copy of a particular dominant gene (heterozygous) and one with two copies of the gene (homozygous).  Only one is needed; another one has no further effect.  The dominant allele is abbreviated as an upper-case letter.

            Recessive - the opposite of dominant, it means that this allele will only be expressed if there is no dominant allele to "cover it up". For example, grey ("G") is dominant over non-grey ("g").  If both alleles are present, the "G" will express itself and the "g" will not. It takes two "g" alleles to express the recessive, non-grey, color.  The recessive allele is abbreviated as a lower-case letter.  It's important to remember that dominant and recessive only refer to interactions between different alleles of the SAME gene -- i.e., grey is dominant over non-grey, NOT grey is dominant over bay.


            Incomplete Dominant - this term doesn't mean the gene is "partly dominant" -- it is still a dominant gene.  It means that there is a different appearance depending on whether the horse has one allele, or two.  There are several horse color genes known to be incomplete dominants at this time.  The Cream gene is a typical example -- a chestnut horse with one Cream gene is a palomino, while a chestnut horse with two Cream genes is a cremello.

            Mutation - when new cells are being made, the chromosomes are duplicated so that there is an exact copy of each one in the new cell.  Sometimes there is a mistake in the copying process, a "glitch" of some sort, and a little bit of
DNA gets left out or mixed up.  These mistakes are called mutations.  If the mistake is large, the cell cannot live, but if it's just a tiny mistake in a less-essential area, it will survive.  It may or may not have any discernable effect on the animal.  (Note that mutations can never add entirely new information, only mix up or lose some of the information that is already there.)  Mutations are the cause of genetically transmitted diseases such as HYPP, and are believed to the the cause of many of the color-modifying genes.


            Genotype - a word meaning the entire genetic makeup of the horse; what genes are actually present, whether visible or not.


            Phenotype - a word meaning the visible effects of the genetic makeup of the horse; only what you actually can see.





Just what do we know about equine colors?


            Equine coat colors have often been a great cause of confusion. There are tremendous ranges of shades within a color, and various colors without recognized names, and regional terms for colors vary widely. Some of their methods of inheritance (especially of "shade") are not understood.  Then there are colors which appear to the eye to be identical, but are caused by completely different genes/alleles. 


            Breed associations have contributed to the confusion. Registries use phenotype, or what the horse "looks like", when labeling colors, not caring about the genotype, or what the horse actually is, genetically.  They recognize only a limited number of colors each, which vary from registry to registry, and sometimes change from year to year, and often have different definitions from one registry to another.  It is generally not a good idea to take the horse's "registered-as" color as the final word on what color it truly is.


            Color genetics is one of those areas where new discoveries are happening all the time.  DNA testing for specific genes is a relatively new thing.  Reading books on the subject that are 20 or 30 years old can be quite amusing.  Before any genes could be tested for, we only had observation and statistical analysis of breeding records.  Some of the theories were way off, but over time most colors have come to be well understood, even outside of the laboratory.  The various genetic testing laboratories usually depend upon the experiences of horse breeders and color researchers, "in the field", so to speak, to tell them what to look for in the laboratory.  Then the lab is able to isolate the gene responsible for the observed color based on how it is inherited, and develop a test for it. 


There are many color genes that can be tested for now, with more being found all the time.  Here are some labs that test for various color genes.



Color Testing Resources:

UC Davis:  http://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/services/coatcolorhorse.php


Pet DNA Services of Arizona:  http://www.petdnaservicesaz.com/equine-testing/


Animal Genetics:  http://www.animalgenetics.us/Equine/Equine_Index.asp


VetGen:  http://www.vetgen.com/equine.html


University of Kentucky:  http://www2.ca.uky.edu/gluck/AGTRL.asp


Texas A & M:  http://vetmed.tamu.edu/vibs/service-labs







Equine Genome Mapping Project


            The Horse Genome Project is a collaborative effort by many research partners in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.











            Scientists in recent years have been able to map the entire equine genome. More information on the Equine Genome Mapping project may be found at the University of Kentucky. The site is located here: http://www.uky.edu/Ag/Horsemap/welcome.html .  If you are interested in exploring equine genetics in general, there is plenty of interesting information there.

(This class will not focus on the mapping project; however, references to findings will be noted.)





***A Word About Spelling


            We understand that an emphasis on correct spelling, grammar and punctuation is not as strong as it used to be.  Nevertheless, if you are going to be discussing serious topics, such as science and genetics, you should expect that if you misspell common words, people will naturally draw conclusions about your level of education or intelligence.  Go ahead and write “CU L8R” when texting your friends, but take the time to use proper English when writing about horse colors.  All the teachers, scientists and anyone over 40 in your audience will thank you.


            Don’t count on a spell-checker to fix things.  Conformation and confirmation are both real words, but with very different meanings.  Dominant and dominate are both real words, but with very different meanings.  Lightning and lightening, sight and site, right and rite, and so on, same thing.  Spell-checkers won’t catch these kind of mistakes.  On the other hand, one might expect a spell-checker to catch common misspellings that are not real words, but judging by the frequency these are seen, apparently they do not.  Nite, lite and brite are not real words.  Shiney, smokey, and scarey are not real words.  Creme is not a word (in English).  If you come across a website about horse colors (or anything else) and the person is consistently misspelling common words like smoky and cream, it’s very reasonable to wonder what else is inaccurate there.





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