Riding Instructor Role and Responsibility



Lesson Three






Is it possible to guarantee a person’s safety around horses? Unfortunately, the answer is no!


There are so many uncontrollable factors that affect an interaction with a horse that it’s impossible to say a riding instructor can guarantee a rider’s safety.  But there are many things we can do to greatly improve or eliminate an unsafe environment.


Your students come to you to learn.  Their skill levels will range from knowing nothing to accomplished horsemanship.  Regardless of their level, all will need guidelines and reminders about what constitutes safe horsemanship.


          To create a safe environment your time and attention will focus on conduct around the barn, proper handling techniques, facilities, and ability of the rider, suitability of the horse and what to do in case of an accident.


You must also know the various ways in which individuals learn so you can present your lessons in the most effective way.


As horseman we all know and understand how sensitive horses are to their environment.   We most likely learned this through trial and error, discovering that each action will have a reaction. This is the law of cause and effect. It is our responsibility as instructors to teach our students the importance of “conduct” at the barn and proper horse handling techniques.


It is not enough to teach the “how”; we must always also teach the “why.”


Think of the curious child about to touch a hot stove burner.  Before he makes contact his mother grabs his hand and says…”don’t touch, it’s very hot.  You’ll burn your hand and that’ll hurt”.   Accepting his mother’s explanation, the child does not touch the hot burner.


A week later the same situation presents itself, this time however the child remembers he is not supposed to touch it.  He knows he will get burned, but he does not truly know what that means. Very quickly he touches the burner. He yells in pain as he burns his hand. He knows he was told not to touch the burner, he knows he was told he would burn his hand, but still his curiosity got the best of him. Now he has the intense feeling of pain to confirm why he shouldn’t touch a hot burner.


The student’s brain can rationalize the facts about a situation, but may not truly know until experience confirms the knowledge. 


As a teacher you’ll give instruction time and time again only to watch your student make undesirable choices, causing them to experience the exact thing that you were trying to help them avoid.  These situations do not occur because they lack respect or trust; they are due to the human need to experience.  Compassion and understanding are necessary during these circumstances.


We all have at one time or another had to learn by experience.  Sometimes we were told not to do such and such, but we did anyway.  The result was just what we were told it would be.  We learned by experience; your students will, at times, do the same.


Around the barn there should be guidelines all will be expected to follow.


Remember talking about new client orientation?   I recommended you have the guidelines printed and handed to each new client.  You’ll find such guides a great help in providing a safe environment.


At the barn you’ll have to be the safety monitor.


Be sure that all those near or engaged in handling horses are properly clothed, including shoes.  NO OPEN TOE SHOES!   It hurts when you are stepped upon and are wearing boots…it can be the loss of a toe when wearing sandals.


Dogs, kids, adults and horses are all “potentials” for the creation of an unsafe environment.  If you have dogs on the property be sure you know their temperament and level of obedience.  Dogs are always the first to greet anyone entering a home or ranch.  If you have an aggressive dog, it should remain in a secured area during business hours.


You should have a set of “standards” as to how horses will be handled.  For example, each horse should be taken from the stall or paddock with a halter and lead rope.  The horse should be led from the proper side and the handler should be capable of controlling the horse.  If there is any question about the student’s skill, he or she should be assisted by a person qualified to assist.




The facility should be equipped with an area dedicated to grooming and saddling. This area may consist of a tie rail or crossties in the barn aisle.  Horses should always be secured for grooming or saddling.  Common sense tells us it is unsafe to allow a horse to be without a halter, grazing while we groom.  Unfortunately I’ve seen this quite often, and such scenes are portrayed frequently in popular horse magazines.


All students should be required to demonstrate proper grooming and saddling techniques.  These skills should be integrated into the students first few lessons.  Even though you may feel a student is capable of preparing a horse to ride, do not assume he or she will always execute good horse handling skills.


Be an observer.  Make “observation” priority one.


Your arena should be completely fenced and have gates that can be closed securely.  The arena fencing should be “horse friendly”; no wire or broken boards, no protruding nails, spikes or splinters.  The arena fence should be at least four feet high.


The type of lessons you choose to give, i.e. beginner, advanced, specialized event, etc., will determine the size of your arena.


You may also have access to a round pen.  The round pen should be good size; I prefer a round pen of at least 40 feet in diameter.   An adequate round pen allows many teaching options.  If you were giving a lesson to a rider on the longe line, the larger round pen allows for faster movement, yet offers enough confinement to give you more control, and the rider a sense of security.




Covered Round Pen


When riders progress to riding off the longe line, the larger round pen provides the opportunity for the student to learn to guide the horse while minimizing the possibility of losing control.


The surface of both the arena and the round pen should complement your chosen style of riding.


The discipline of cutting requires a deep sandy non-slippery footing; the deeper footing offers the horse the capability of stopping hard and turning sharp.  Reining horses prefer a shallower surface; when asking for a sliding stop they want the arena surface to be consistent with the horse’s feet remaining on the surface.


Most other disciplines require what I call a standard working surface; a surface of 1 to 2 inches of cushion.


          The arena surface must be maintained. It should be groomed daily; free of holes, rocks, debris or anything that could be hazardous.  During dry months the surface should be watered to control dust, and during wet months the surface should be allowed to dry sufficiently for safety before student use.


It is a common practice for many ranches to “seal” the arena prior to an incoming storm.  Sealing the arena requires the surface to be packed and smoothed by the dragging of a heavy steel beam - compacting the dirt to eliminate pockets where water could accumulate.


After a rain it is good practice to test the arena on foot.  If the surface allows you to walk on it without sinking, then it will be safe to use for riding.


Do not take chances on a horse slipping; wait for a safe riding surface.


During inclement weather, horses are usually restricted to their stalls.  By the time they get to out for exercise, they’ll be full of energy and ready to play.  Play can be dangerous on wet and slippery ground.


Be sure your arena is safe, and the horses have been properly prepared for reentry into the lesson program.


Do not be pressured into allowing students to come for lessons when you know the horses are not prepared.   You are not capable of controlling the weather, but you are capable of ensuring the horses are suitably prepared for work and have a safe arena surface.


The location of the arena and the round pen should also be taken into consideration.  Both should be located away from street traffic, noisy equipment and turn out pens.


Why turn out pens?  Because horses are herd animals…horses love to do what other horses are doing.  A horse running and playing in a pen adjacent to your lesson will absolutely distract you student and your student’s horse.


All of the things we have discussed are environmental and can be controlled and changed for safety.




There is one area all instructors will encounter and it goes without saying we cannot change it: the rider’s athletic ability.


When I speak of athletic ability, I am referring to the physical condition of the human body and natural talent of the rider.


Factors to consider when accessing the level of fitness are: age, weight and muscle tone.


What do you observe?  Does the student look like she sits on the couch all day eating potato chips, or can she beat you in a 50-yard dash?


 It may seem judgmental and politically incorrect to talk about this, but the truth is an over-weight, out-of-shape person will need more time to adjust to the physical demands of riding.  They will need to move at a slower pace than a person who is physically fit.


The age of a student is important for two reasons.  The age of a person will give insight to how they learn (something we will talk about in detail a bit later) and the age of a person will give you an idea of how active or inactive the life style.


Often we forget that riding horses requires a certain level of physical fitness. It is basic knowledge that our bodies must be conditioned to perform.  Watch your students for physical fatigue; make sure you keep them within limits—challenged, but not to excess.


The level of fitness will also determine in part the ability of the rider.  How strong are her legs?  How coordinated is she and how quickly can she learn to use the aids.


Height also plays a role in determining athletic ability.  Shorter riders with shorter legs have to work harder to communicate with their legs.  Riders with long legs will have an easier time using leg cues.


Always take the athletic ability of the rider into consideration when planning a lesson and match them with a horse that is suitable.




How do you determine if the horse is suitable?


The following guidelines will change when the objectives or goals change.


A beginning lesson horse should be an older horse who exhibits kindness; one who is seasoned in his training, posses the talent and ability to perform what will be asked, and will forgive the mistakes of a learning rider.  He should be of average height, around 15.1 to 15.3 hands.  He should have good ground manners and be easy to work around.


He should be serviceably sound.  What is serviceably sound?  It means that the horse is able to perform the required work of a lesson, but may require special care or pain management.  Some of the best lesson horses require special care. In most cases these are horses that once competed, but due to maintenance or soundness issues can no longer stand the rigors of campaigning.   Their talent and level of training can prove to be a huge asset in a lesson program.


Good lesson horses have learned to tolerate different riders.  If a horse shows signs of being unsuitable for lessons, the horse needs to be re-homed before a student gets hurt. 


          Young horses simply do not make good lesson horses.  I always receive a very clear reminder of how much time and training goes into an older horse every time I ride a two year old. Young horses are on the path of learning themselves; they need guidance and at times reassurance. What they do not need is to be matched with a rider who is not capable of giving them confidence.


I have seen countless attempts to match young horses with beginning riders.


Odd as it may seem, parents tend to think that the horse will last longer and the child and horse will bond and learn together.


It does not work…don’t become a victim of such nonsense.  Neither horse nor rider improve skills…both find frustration and disappointment.




In lesson two we covered the type of tack that is available.  Keeping that tack in good safe working order is the responsibility of the instructor.  Many programs require the student to learn how to clean and care for the equipment.  The student should also be taught how to inspect for weak or broken areas, but the responsibility if it fails falls on the instructor’s shoulders. 


It is also the responsibility of the instructor to make sure each student is using the proper sized equipment, and using the correct tack on the horse that is being used in the lesson. 


Riding Helmets:

Riding helmets should be required; in the United States, look for ASTM approved helmets.  Beware of helmets that are not “safety” helmets.  Inspect each helmet that is in your riding program to ensure they are not just apparel quality. 


The helmet must fit the student.  The helmet should fit fairly snug and not move about when the student tips their head back and forth, or side to side.  It should also not sit perched on the head or ride too low on the ears. 


Any helmet that has been in an accident needs to be inspected.  Many helmet manufacturers will inspect the helmet for free if it is sent to them.  For example, Troxel will replace any helmet in an accident within two years of purchase, with proper documentation. 


Helmets more than five years old should also be replaced.


Student Attire:

As mentioned earlier, the student must be dressed to be in the company of horses.  This means no sandals or tennis shoes. 


Not mandatory, but a recommendation to be considered is long sleeves if riding in the sun.  Skin cancer among equestrians is very common. 





Everything we have discussed in this lesson will help you create a safe environment, but it cannot guarantee a safe environment.  Therefore, you need an emergency plan.


Be prepared.  In most cases you’ll need a basic first aid kit and not the paramedics.


So, do you have one?  A human first aid kit?  It should have Band-Aids, gauze pads, white tape, anti-biotic ointment, and instant ice packs.  Tell everyone where to find the first aid kit.


          When a rider experiences a fall from a horse, the likely hood that the air has been knocked out of them is very high.  Always instruct the rider to stay where she’s landed, unless there are other immediate dangers.


          Go to the fallen rider calmly, ask someone to catch the horse if necessary.  Start by asking questions, such as, “Are you okay?”   If she does not respond verbally and is conscious, then she has probably had the air knocked out of her.   This feeling of not being able to breath will panic almost anyone.  Keep talking to her.  Tell her she just had the air knocked out; try to relax and breathe.  It will take a moment, but the air will return.


Always try to determine any injuries before encouraging the rider to get up. Start asking her questions, depending on how you think she fell.  If she fell on her arm, ask if her arm hurts, can she move it?   Ask anything that will help you pinpoint an injury.  If at any time you are unsure of an injury or the extent of injury always summon the paramedics.


You are a horse trainer not a trained medical professional.  Do not attempt medical treatment of any kind.  Call the emergency respond number in your area (911 for United States and Canadian students).


Thankfully, pride, is the most common injury in riding accidents.


After a fall it is not uncommon for a rider to be reluctant to remount.  If the rider is able, I recommend encouraging her to remount.



Longeing in a round pen.



If the horse was simply too fresh, longe the horse to reduce his level of energy.


If another horse was responsible for the incident, such as a horse playing in another pen, remove the horse from the nearby pen.


Once the rider is back on the horse, keep the rider close to you.  Instruct the rider to do things she is already capable of doing.   Show her she can be safe and successful on the back of a horse.


Use the rest of the lesson to reassure her.  Continue having her perform exercise you know will be successful.


Falling off a horse naturally causes fear and negative thoughts and feelings.  Plan future lessons that will reinforce the experience of success.  With time, the rider will forget the fear and the fall.


Don’t be afraid to talk with a student about a fall; but be sure to do it in a positive manner.  Explain that every mistake is a learning opportunity. Mistakes are only negative if we choose to view them that way. 


          Horses are accident-prone; colic, lacerations, fevers, swollen legs, and lameness are but a few of the things that may afflict a horse at one time or another.  All horsemen have encountered these things with a horse in their career. Before we talk about what to do when you see these situations, let’s talk about things that should be occurring to help prevent them.




          There will be many times when you may have people watching the lesson, especially if you are teaching children.  Be prepared for outside influence, and realize this could affect the safety of the student and horse.  As the instructor you are accountable for any incident than may occur, even if the catalyst is from someone else.


          Rules regarding observers should be made in advance.  The rules may be posted or included in the lesson contract.  Examples of these rules:


* Observers must watch from a designated area.

* No communication with the student during the lesson.

* Children not being given a lesson must be under the control of an adult, and behaving in quiet restrained manner.

* The instructor’s choice of the lesson horse, tack, and lesson plan should be discussed prior to the lesson – not during the lesson.


          Instructors should never feel pressured to force the student to perform an exercise or maneuverer for which the student is not ready (be that pressure comes from an observer or the student). Keep in mind many times the parent is living vicariously through the child.  If you feel hesitant about a request or demand, follow your instinct. 




Usually people take riding lessons to have fun, and if you are giving lessons to children things can get silly.  The riding instructor must be ready to calm students down if it gets out of hand – don’t depend on the parent or accompanying adult.  You must be aware of everything that is going on. 


From the very first lesson students must be taught to respond to your command, not just for the ease of instruction but for their safety.  Teach the “All Stop” command until it is ingrained in everyone’s brain.  This command requires everyone within hearing distance to cease whatever they are doing.  This command could stop a small altercation from becoming a disaster. 


The key to creating and providing a safe environment for both horse and rider is to be aware and be prepared.




1.       Identify at least two potential hazards at your current facility and provide photographs of them. 


2.       Provide possible solutions to removing these hazards.


3.      Watch this video: https://youtu.be/aMn6NABxmpQ?list=PLdSQ3NK4LMQbvSLDz7_j7_5E0Dw2Dz-j-


          (Sorry for the quality – I recorded it from YouTube to protect the identity of the riding facility. It is a pretty nice horse though.)


          List as many items as you can identify that could be safety issues. 



Please send your report and photos to elblazer@horsecoursesonline.com