Equine Coat Color Genetics


Lesson Two


Base Colors



            The "base colors" of chestnut, black, bay, and brown are the starting point for understanding color inheritance.  Why do we call them "base colors"?  Partly tradition -- that's just the way it has been for a long time.  And partly because they are the "base", or what is underneath, every other color.  It's important to understand that, for instance, grey is not a color of its own, but rather a grey horse started out as one of these colors and then had the grey gene added on top of that "base color".  Likewise, buckskin is not a color of its own, but rather, is a bay horse with a Cream gene added, making it diluted (lighter).  And so on.


            Color in mammals is caused by a pigment called melanin.  In horses, melanin appears in two forms, eumelanin (black) and phaeomelanin (red).  These two pigments are the source of every horse color. All of the many shades and colors that can occur are caused by these two pigments, and the various modifying genes that cause them to be lighter or darker or to have white added in various ways.  All horses can make red pigment (although it may be modified or hidden), but only some horses can make black pigment.  If a horse has black pigment, that doesn't necessarily mean it will be black colored -- various other genes can modify or restrict the black pigment.


            To understand the base colors, it's important to remember that they are caused by the interaction of two separate, independent genes.  For whatever reason this concept is difficult for beginners sometimes.  Once you get it, though, you'll be able to answer questions like: "If chestnut is recessive to black, and black is recessive to bay, then how did I get a bay foal from black x chestnut parents?"




Two Genes

            The first gene is called the "Extension" gene.  (You don't have to remember the name.  In horse-color lingo we just call it "E".)  It was named that because the dominant allele, E, "extends" the eumelanin (black pigment).  The recessive allele, e, blocks the eumelanin (when homozygous – remember, a recessive gene must be homozygous to show), leaving only phaeomelanin (red pigment).  If a horse has at least one E, then it can make black pigment, and if both black and red are present, then logically, we would only see the black, unless something is restricting it in some way.  So the horse will look black.  (The red tones will often become visible when the horse gets sunbleached, though.)  Horses with at least one E allele are called “black-based” colors, because they have black pigment.  Therefore, e/e would give a red (chestnut/sorrel) horse, E/E would give a black-based horse which cannot produce a chestnut foal, and E/e would give a black-based horse that can produce a chestnut foal.



            The second gene is called the "Agouti" gene.  (Again, no need to remember the name if you don't want to.  Just remember "A".)  It was named that because it was thought to be similar to the color of a South American rodent of the same name.  The term was used in mouse color genetics to refer to a gene that controls the distribution of eumelanin, and apparently the name carried over to the horse gene as well; although we now know they are not really the same, it does have the same purpose -- it controls the distribution of the black pigment.  One very important thing to remember is that since this gene only affects black pigment, it will do absolutely nothing to a red (e/e) horse, since they have no black to be affected.  Yet the red horse still has two Agouti genes just like every other horse; although you can't see which genes they have, they will be passed on just like any other gene.


            The Agouti locus is somewhat unusual in that, unlike most horse color genes, which only have two possible alleles, for example E and e, or G and g,  this one has at least three and quite likely four or more different possible alleles.  Each horse can still only have two, of course, one from each parent.  But there are more possible combinations.  Over the years there has been plenty of speculation about the workings of the Agouti genes.  But nowadays the actual gene locus has been identified, and there are tests for two of the alleles.  In addition we have many decades of observation and breeding records, so that the actions of at least three of the alleles are reasonably well understood.  They are:

            A, which is dominant, causes the black pigment to be restricted to the horse's points (mane, tail, legs, eartips), leaving the rest of the body red, therefore making the horse bay.  This is the most common horse color in many breeds.

            a, which is recessive, does not restrict the eumelanin in any way, but allows it to be fully expressed all over the horse's body, therefore making the horse black.  It is more common in some breeds and less common in others.


            At, which is dominant to a but recessive to A, restricts the black pigment only slightly, leaving the horse mostly black but with tan or red areas at the muzzle, flanks, and underbelly, therefore making the horse seal brown.


            There is also a variation of bay called "wild bay" which is lighter, with very little black on the legs.  It has been theorized to be caused by an Agouti allele called A+, thought to be dominant over all the other alleles at the A locus.  However it has not been found yet at this time, and if the A+ allele is dominant over all the others as is theorized, then one should never occur from two regular bay parents, and this result has been reported.  More research is needed to determine whether “Wild Bay” is actually genetically different, or just a very light shade.  (It may just be a regular “A” bay with extra-light shade and “pangare”.)  In any case this shade is fairly rare in most breeds.


            So, the combined action of these two genes, the "E" and "A" locuses, give us the four base colors as follows:





Chestnut (called Sorrel in some breeds)

e/e, with any two Agouti genes (which are not visible)






            The whole horse will be some shade of red, which can range from very light to very dark.   The mane and tail are often the same color as the body, but may be darker or lighter.  If they are much lighter, a blonde shade, it’s called flaxen. 




How to Breed for the Color Chestnut (or Sorrel)


            If chestnut is your favorite color, you're in luck:  it is the easiest to produce.  Red parents only produce red foals.    Because all red horses are homozygous for the recessive allele (e/e), one truism in breeding horses is red x red = red.








Punnett Square example:













Chestnuts can also be produced from two heterozygous black-based horses (E/e) about 25% of the time.


Punnett Square example:













            Chestnut/sorrel (red) is a valuable color when trying to breed other colors based on the red color.


            Palominos, cremellos, gold champagnes, red roans and red duns are all built upon the basic red color.


            It is possible to test for the presence of the recessive e gene. While this has little value for breeders of red horses, it does help breeders of black-based horses to determine whether their horses are homozygous or heterozygous for the dominant E gene. This is referred to as a “red-factor” test.



Chestnut foal color






            Foals are generally much lighter at birth than their adult color.  Chestnut foals are usually a light red at first, but they can change drastically when the foal-coat sheds out.  Red and red-based (palomino, red dun, red roan, etc.) foals usually have pinkish skin at birth, which darkens up quickly.  Foals of all colors are usually born with very light legs. This makes it difficult to tell whether there are white markings on the legs.  Although you may not be able to tell until they shed off, the hoof color does provide a clue.  The hoof of newborn red horses is grayish in color where the leg is going to shed off red.  Where the leg is going to shed off white the hoof will be cream or white.  This does create a change in the color of hoof, but may be difficult to see.


This foal was light at 6 weeks old:   




And shed out much darker by 4 months old: 






These are more typical after-shedding foal shades:       











E/E or E/e, and a/a









            The horse is black all over, including the muzzle, flanks and underbelly.  However, blacks are notorious for fading when exposed to the sun, so depending on the time of year, they may appear quite reddish or even yellowish, and may only look really black for a few weeks after shedding out.  The mane and tail may get quite reddish from sun exposure, especially at the tips.  It's not known at this time why most blacks fade but some do not, and it's not known whether there is a genetic basis for that, but in any case, if there is, it has nothing to do with the E and A genes.


            The “a” allele contains a deletion in the gene that renders the Agouti non-functional.  Therefore, instead of being restricted to the points, the black pigment is free to cover the entire body.  The mutation causing the “a” allele has been isolated and there is a test for it.  This is of little use for an obviously black horse, but is helpful in many other cases such as where sunbleaching has raised doubts about whether the horse is truly black, or in cases where a breeder would want to know whether a bay horse is carrying a copy of “a”, or for a chestnut whose Agouti status is not visible, or a grey or dilute whose base color is uncertain.




How to Breed for the Color



            The best way to produce black horses is to breed two homozygous black horses. Two homozygous blacks (E/E, a/a) will produce homozygous black foals 100% of the time.



Punnett Square example:


E, a

E, a

E, a



E, a





            A homozygous black (E/E, a/a) bred to a heterozygous black (E/e, a/a) will also produce 100% black foals because the homozygous black will pass a black (E) gene 100% of the time.  50% of the offspring will be heterozygous, and 50% will be homozygous.


Punnett Square example:


E, a

E, a

E, a



e, a





However, the best two heterozygous black (E/e, a/a) horses can do is to produce 75% black foals.  The remaining 25% will be chestnut.


Punnett Square example:


E, a

e, a

E, a



e, a






Black foal color


            Black foals are usually not born black, but rather a pewter-grey color, turning black when the foal coat sheds out around 3-6 months old.  The foal coat can get surprisingly light before it sheds out.  Many breeders have been fooled into thinking they had a grulla foal by a black baby coat.  Some black foals are jet black right from birth, though.  No one knows why.  The black-at-birth ones are not the same ones that do not sunbleach later in life.



This one was born black: 


This one is a more typical black foal color:





This one is at maximum fading right before shedding out: 


(Hard as it may be to believe that is a black, here is the same horse as a 2 year old) : 












E/E or E/e, and at least one A














            The bay's body color will be some shade of red or reddish-brown, ranging from light golden-red “sandy bay” to very dark “mahogany bay”; the points (mane, tail, legs, eartips) are black.  A very dark sooty bay can look like a seal brown; only genetic testing can tell them apart.




            This mare is a sooty bay who varies tremendously from season to season, looking brown sometimes and bay other times.  She is not seal brown (per testing and foal colors). These pictures are all the same horse.









            The next picture is of a bay horse that has a large amount of flaxen in his tail.  This occurs on occasion.  It usually disappears with age, but may persist throughout the horse’s life.  His legs are almost as red as a “Wild Bay”, but he is only 2 years old in this picture.  The legs and tail did eventually go all black when he was fully mature.










How to Breed for the Color



            If one parent is homozygous for black (E/E) and for the bay Agouti (A/A), then all foals will be bay.  The only thing such a horse can pass on is E and A, and it only takes one of each to cause the bay color.  Even if bred to a chestnut with only black agouti (e/e, a/a) the results still give all bays, although they will all be heterozygous.

Punnett Square example:


E, A

E, A

e, a



e, a





            Normally with a dominant gene, you need at least one parent with the color to get a foal with that color.  However, because of the two-gene interaction that causes the bay color, a chestnut x black cross can produce bay under the right circumstances.



            In this example, a chestnut mare (e/e) carrying one A gene (A/a) has been bred to a homozygous black (E/E, a/a). This cross produces a 50% chance of a bay and a 50% chance of a black.


Punnett Square example:


E, a

E, a

e, A



e, a







Bay foal color


            Like most colors, bays are typically much lighter at birth than their adult color.   Sometimes they can be mistaken for a chestnut.  The legs especially tend to be light, but there is usually at least some black in the mane and tail.  They also have dark skin right from birth, unlike chestnut foals which usually have pinkish skin at birth (this may, however, be a very subtle difference). 





            These are fairly typical bay foals.  The legs are not black yet, but the body color is about the same as the dam.  Mane and tail are black. 




            This is an extra-light bay foal.  The second picture is of the same foal, on the right, with a chestnut foal on the left, showing the difference in color tone.












Seal Brown



E/E or E/e; and At/At or At/a










            Also called just "brown", or "black-bay" in some breeds; it is also called "black and tan" in some countries. The horse will be mostly black, with reddish or tan highlights in specific areas, often called the “soft spots”:  typically the muzzle, flanks, underbelly, and girth areas. The darkest shades of seal brown are nearly all black except for a little tan at the muzzle and flank, while the lighter ones have more extensive lighter areas.  These are often strongly dappled in the summer coat.  A very sooty bay can look just like a seal brown.   


            The “At” allele contains a mutation that makes the Agouti gene less effective.  It isn’t totally non-functional, as the “a” allele is, but the black pigment is not nearly as restricted as it would be with the “A” allele.  The black pigment is restricted only a little, so the red is visible in just a few spots.  The “At” mutation has been found, and there is a test for it.  It’s at a different place on the Agouti gene than the “a” mutation, so they are two separate tests. 


            One interesting finding that has come out of several years of testing is that the “classic Seal Brown phenotype” – black with tan muzzle and flanks – almost always tests E/E, At/a.  Some studies have shown a general tendency for bay horses to be darker in shade when they are E/E, as opposed to E/e.  The seal browns that are lighter, that could (visually) just as easily be sooty bay, almost always test At/At.  This raises some interesting questions.  Perhaps it’s not as cut-and-dried as was thought previously, i.e. that there is a strict heirarchy of dominance from A to At to a.   Considering the function of the Agouti gene (to restrict black pigment to the points), it makes sense that a partially impaired allele would work a little better when there are two copies of it, and a little worse when there is just one copy combined with a totally nonfunctional allele.  Combined with the often-darker-shade of E/E, and we get a much more gradual range of shades than simply “bay or brown”.  Over time, more and better testing will tease out the details of whether there really is a genetic difference in shades, or if it is pure coincidence.




How to Breed for the Color


            Breeders for many decades have observed that Brown x Brown will produce brown and black, but not bay.  Plenty of classic seal brown (phenotype) horses have had chestnut foals, proving they are E/e, but statistics do seem to indicate that the color is more likely to be associated with E/E.  If you really want to be guaranteed a seal brown foal, find parents that are both E/E, and one is tested to be At/At, and the other a/a.  This should guarantee you the desired outcome.

Punnett Square example:


E, At

E, At

E, a



E, a








Seal Brown foal color


            Seal Brown foals are, like other colors, typically lighter at first.  Generally they look like a bay foal, but often somewhat darker.  Often the legs will already be black, or more so than a bay foal.  A dark “cape” of black hairs over the shoulders is common.  Many times it is not possible to tell bay and brown foals apart, though.



This one is fairly typical:     




The above foal is darker than most at this age.





This foal, newborn color:       shed out at 3 months old to this: 









            At this point you are probably thinking, OK, so there are only four genetically separate base colors…..  that doesn’t explain the huge variety of colors that we see.


            There are additional factors which are called “Modifiers” as a general category.  These modifiers alter the visual appearance of the colors.  Some of the variation in color is environmental -- some colors are commonly lighter in winter coat and darker in summer coat, and the sun does unpleasant things to most black hair.  Some is nutritional – there are cases of malnourished horses turning a much different shade when properly fed.  And some is likely genetic, but the genetic mechanism of all of the following modifiers is unknown at this time.  That’s why we call them “modifiers” instead of “genes”.


            These categories do overlap to some degree.  For example, most horses that are a very dark shade usually have some degree of sooty as well, and most horses that are an extremely light shade probably have some pangare as well.  Sooty often causes dapples.



            Shade: This describes variations within a basic color group resulting in light to dark color variations.


            On a chestnut, this can result in colors from light peachy red (looking like a red dun or almost palomino) to dark liver, almost purple, or nearly black.





Keep in mind that both of the above horses are genetically red (e/e).  If you were to test these horses they would test identically for the red gene (e/e).




On a bay, this can result in colors from light golden-red or tan (looking almost buckskin), to deep dark red bodied (often called “mahogany bay”).







            On a seal brown, this can result in colors from jet black with a little tan on the side of the muzzle, to dark bay looking.


            On a black, we typically don’t expect to see variations in shade, but some horses are just “light black” even though testing negative for all known dilutions.  Some blacks sunbleach out much faster than others.  These differences may be caused by shade.





            Sooty:  This refers to the presence of black hairs which appear “overlaid” on the regular body color. Most often this is noticeable across the back, shoulder and croup, with the lower body appearing lighter.  Some extremely sooty horses appear nearly black. 


            This mare was thought to be seal brown, until testing was available, but is actually a very dark, very sooty, bay.  (In addition to testing negative for “At”, she later also proved she was bay by producing bay and buckskin foals by sires who had no “A” allele to contribute.)







            Sooty would naturally not be expected to be visible on black or seal brown horses, since they already have black hairs in those areas. 

When sooty is quite extensive, it can make bay look like brown, chestnut look like black, and palomino look like silver dapple. 

There is some debate about whether sooty actually adds black hairs to chestnuts and palominos, which are e/e and “should not” be able to produce black pigment.  There are basically two theories; one is that whatever the sooty gene is, it actually does “override” the e, and allows black pigment to be produced; the other is that sooty hairs on e/e horses, no matter how black they look to our eyes, are really very dark red.  One piece of evidence that strongly suggests the first theory is correct, is the way sooty acts on single-cream-dilute (palomino and buckskin) horses.  Since the Cream gene when heterozygous does not affect black pigment, only red, and since sooty buckskins and palominos have what looks to be black hairs on their bodies (a strong contrast against the diluted-to-yellow red hairs), it suggests those hairs are indeed black.  By comparison, other types of dilutes such as Dun and Champagne do not look sooty, and this is likely because if they do have the sooty gene, the black hairs would be diluted right along with the red ones, so there would be little contrast.


            The term “smutty” was also used in the past, to mean sooty.  However with the meaning of that word changing over time, from “dirty” as in dirt, to “dirty” as in obscene, the term has been dropped from color descriptions for the most part.  You may see it used in older literature.




            Countershading:  This term is used by some to mean the same thing as Sooty, but some consider it something different.  Sometimes it is used to mean the typical shading of foal coats, where they are darker over the top and lighter on the underparts.  Non-Dun dorsal stripes are commonly called countershading. 




            Mealy or Pangare: This causes pale areas on the lower belly, in the flank area, behind the elbows, inside the legs, on the lower legs, on the muzzle and over the eyes. This modification can occur on any base color and the effect varies from minimal, very subtle and easily missed, to extensive, causing dramatic paleness to the body. In the American Southwest, it is often referred to as “muley", after a mule's coloration.  It is more common in draft and pony breeds.  It’s also very common for foals of all breeds to have lots of pangare and then outgrow it as they mature.





chestnut Belgian showing mealy/pangare





            Dapples:  Dapples are round spots of a different shade (usually lighter).  They may be actual different colored hairs, or a slight difference in shade or reflectivity that is only visible from certain angles.  Dapples are common during shedding, and may occur during one season but not another (either summer or winter coat).  Some colors are known for being dappled quite often, i.e. grey, but dapples can occur on any color.  The type that come and go are likely caused by environmental factors, but the kind that persist year round seem to have a genetic basis, as they often run in families (it may be that they are an expression of sooty, however).



This is a black horse that is sunbleached, revealing faint dapples.



Typical dapples on a palomino.



These are called “reverse dapples”, darker spots instead of lighter ones, on a champagne.





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